
National Webinar On The Topic Financial Awareness And Consumer Training

National Webinar on the topic Financial Awareness And Consumer Training


Department of Commerce, GDC Billawar in collaboration with National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE) organized National Webinar on the topic, Financial Awareness And Consumer Training on 10th May 2021. Mr. Anil Sharma, Trainer in NCFE was the Keynote speaker for this webinar. Dr. Pinkey, HOD Commerce was the organizing secretary for this webinar. During the webinar keynote speaker highlighted various points related to financial awareness and consumer training. He explained what measures can be taken to safeguard our personal data in online transactions, how to avoid overusing credit card and get fraud purchase protection, relaxation and payment strategies of education loan, how to avoid impulse buying by making proper budget before shopping, different modes of digital payments and knowhow of these modes and how to manage income or how to set financial goals.

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