
Youth Parliment Debate On EVM And VVPAT Held In GDC Billawar

Youth parliment debate on EVM and VVPAT held in GDC Billawar


Today on 26TH March 2019, Govt. degree college, Billawar Electoral Literacy Club organised “Youth Parliament Debate on topic EVM & VVPAT” in the Conference Hall of the College as a part of SVEEP Activities. The proceedings started with the welcome speech by Prof. Jigmet Stobdan. In the debate, Ms. Bhavna student of B.Sc 6th semester acted as speaker of the house while, Nitish Sharma B.A 4th semester and Rohan Chopra B.A 4th Semester acted as leader of ruling and opposition party respectively. Seven students from both parties have engaged actively as members and raised their valid points and counterpoints. Number of students and faculty from nearby Govt. High and Higher Schools also participated and witnessed the proceedings. Participants were also served refreshment during the event. On the occasion, Tehsildar, Dr. Vishal and Principal, GDC Billawar, Prof. Jugal Kishore Sharma were the chief guests. Later, the Chief guest Dr. Vishal addressed the participants and clarified that EVM cannot be hacked. Speaking on the occasion, CDPO Billawar, Pulkit Dutta advised students to watch Lok Sabha TV Channel and Rajya Sabha TV channel to understand the proceedings of Parliament. The Programme was coordinated under the supervision of Convenor Prof. Rakesh Kumar(Asstt. Prof Computer Application) and other team members including Shakshi Vaid (Lect. Political Science) In the end, Prof Jigmet Stobdan (Asstt. Prof. Commerce) presented vote of thanks to the gathering.

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